“The truth is that within each of us lies the power to cast all misery aside and to know complete Peace and Oneness — to be the beautiful creation of perfect harmony — to truly know and help Myself.” – Mary Burmeister, Jin Shin Jyutsu®, Inc.
Jin Shin Jyutsu® is a gentle art, practiced by placing the fingertips on key areas of the body to harmonize energy flow. It does not involve massage or manipulation of muscles and tissues, nor does it diagnose. A typical appointment lasts about an hour and is done fully clothed. The client lies face-up on a cushioned massage table. After “listening” to the energy pulse in the wrists, a practitioner chooses a harmonizing sequence of hand placement combinations to stimulate circulation of energy along given pathways. The effects are deeply relaxing. Most people find the session extremely relaxing and it is quite normal to fall asleep. All private sessions are paired with Jin Shin Jyutsu® self-care for each client.
The actual “hands on” portion of the session may last anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour. Sessions with children are generally shorter. After the session, there is time for some discussion and you are provided with some “self-care” or homework, so it is best to allow a minimum of 60 minutes for sessions.
“Knowing Jin Shin Jyutsu has really made a difference in my life!” – Bonnie S.
Our recommendation is that no matter what your ‘project’ is, you should come in for your first three personal one-on-one sessions within a week to 10 days. This really helps to make and maintain some initial changes. Once these 3 personal one-on-one sessions have been completed, a further course of action can be decided jointly between you and your practioner.
Generally, additional one-on-one sessions would be spaced further apart, and eventually you might choose to come for regular personal one-on-one sessions weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly to maintain those feelings of well-being. Of course, the number of personal one-on-one sessions required depends on a large range of factors. In general, if the project is chronic or more pronounced, you would probably need to commit to at least 10 personal one-on-one sessions in a relatively short time-frame. Other chronic conditions such as migraines or fibromyalgia require a regular but less intense commitment to Jin Shin Jyutsu® over a period of time.
For those committed to healing a deep or critical illness, moving toward making new life choices, or simply coming in for their yearly “spring cleaning”, intensives can be beneficial. An “intensive” is two personal one-on-one sessions per day for 5 days in a row. Ten personal one-on-one sessions in one week is a dynamic way to move energy and a great strategy to aid in reestablishing optimal vibrational balance. Three or five personal one-on-one sessions in a week has a similar benefit. Harmonizing our vibrational energy is a process that has cumulative effects, as each personal one-on-one session and its associated self-care ‘homework’ brings us one step closer to optimum vitality.
Therefore, receiving several personal one-on-one sessions close together continually harmonizes you and allows you to change the patterns and habits that created the initial imbalance in vibrational energy. There is a huge difference between receiving 10 personal one-on-one sessions over ten weeks and receiving 10 personal one-on-one sessions in one week, especially when very ill or in need. Getting away from your normal routine, responsibilities, and environment can add to the depth of the experience.
For the best experience, wear comfortable clothing. Additionally, if a meal is needed before a session, please have a light meal if possible.
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