Farmer’s Markets
Have you been visiting the local farmer’s markets to enjoy the taste of all the fresh fruits and vegetables available this wonderful time of the year? My herb garden is growing and I am thankful that I have the option to use some of my herbs fresh and dry some herbs for this winter. Have […]
Self Help Tip: Skin & Upper Back
Hold the bend of the elbow. To do this, simply place the left fingertips on the bend of the right elbow and the right fingertips on the bend of the left elbow. Remember: No pressure is necessary; simply apply your jumper cables. This self-help harmonizes the deep skin layer of the body. As a bonus, […]
Weight-loss, Why Have You Forsaken Me?
Here I am, four months into my weight-loss resolution. I have been steadfast in my diet and am getting plenty of exercise. Technically, I am right on track. What happened? There is still a tire around my midsection. How can this weight still be hanging on? According to Eastern traditions, extra weight isn’t necessarily just […]
How I Learned to be a Rubber Band
Have you ever stretched a rubber band so far that you thought for sure it would break, only to have it return to its original shape and size as if it hadn’t been stressed at all? Have you ever felt the bliss that comes from cheering the underdog to victory? Have you ever been inspired […]
Brotherly Love: How Jin Shin Jyutsu Changed My Puppy’s Life
Nine weeks of anticipation were over; two healthy Boston Terrier pups were born, one girl and one boy. As the veterinarian looked at the products of his recent cesarean section, he raised one simple question, “What did you do differently with this litter than the last one?” I simply replied, “A year and a half of Jin […]
Babies and Colic: Help is at your fingertips.
Are you a parent, grandparent, or caregiver of a colicky infant? Do you know anyone who is dealing with this all-too-common challenge? According to, experts estimate that up to 40% of all infants have colic. Digestive challenges in babies can be downright frustrating for both parents and caregivers alike. “The truth is that within […]
Arthritis Help for our Animal Friends
When our bodies are affected by the aches and pains of arthritis, even the simplest tasks become difficult. We search for remedies wherever we can find them. We ask our friends, our family, our doctors how to alleviate our discomfort. When our furry friends feel those same effects of arthritis, they are unable to verbalize […]
Get Comfortable Not Knowing
An article from “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff” by Richard Carlson, PhD There once was a village that had among its people a very wise old man. The villagers trusted this man to provide them answers to their questions and concerns. One day, a farmer from the village went to the wise man and said […]
Vibrant Health and Well-Being
Vibrant health and well-being bring inner peace and enrich your lifestyle. Key Elements for Health will inspire you to reclaim your health and vibrancy, allowing you to reduce stress, increase energy, and move with ease through life’s ups and downs. Find yourself stretched a little too thin lately? Jin Shin Jyutsu® helps bring balance to […]